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Utopia Brief


The brief required that I identify a core value system for my own 'personal utopia'.

I experimented with presenting my five key 'utopian ideals' utilising dystopian imagery, trying to navigate whether a Utopia can exist, or if they’re just thinly veiled dystopias. An attempt at looking into the subjectivity of a Utopia along with the humanitarian aspect of them, based on a heirarchy of needs.

food poster jpg .jpg
shelter jpg poster .jpg
equality poster jpg.jpg
water poster jpg .jpg
protection poster jpg.jpg

final posters

final animation


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research and experimentation

I aimed to use dark dystopian colours and a Propaganda art style, while presenting humane ideals.


The five promises I decided on were; Equality, Security/protection, Shelter, Water and Food, The main physiological human needs, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (a five tier model of human needs, classified into three different types; Basic, Psychological and Self-fulfilment)

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experimentation with colour and font

My outcome was a bit satirical, following the narrative of Bartholomew and his rise to power as the 'supreme baby,' leader of his Utopia. Contrasting the innate 'purity' associated with babies with the hor- ror associated with being a dictator/leader in a dystopia. Storyboarding and experimentation with the art style helped a lot in going forward with the animation. 


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storyboarding and art style exploration

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